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Fionnuala About Me.png


I achieved the accredited Active IQ level 3 diploma in instructing Pilates. Following on from this I am continuously undertaking further training to enhance my teaching knowledge and skills. 
Previously I had been full time, bringing up my five children who now range from the ages of 14 to 24 years. 

Many years earlier I qualified as an Aerobics teacher and enjoyed teaching immensely. After my 4th child was born, I re qualified in Aerobics teaching, only to find myself pregnant with my 5th child Luke!
Now years later, I know that practicing Pilates has changed my life for the better, reconnecting my mind with my body and is a mindful practice for me. I believe that I  experience the benefit of the discipline of controlled and intelligent movements

within my everyday life.

It is this experience of being able to continue what I love most that drives the way I teach Pilates.

My  passion is to get my clients to improve their well-being and to get them to do activities they think are beyond them. I believe that Pilates is the ultimate form of exercise to help re-align, strengthen, lengthen and tone the body.
I strive to teach clients how to, strengthen their core without having to think about it and discover better posture. I want to share my enthusiasm for moving intelligently making it fun, so that it becomes a natural process.
I very much enjoy helping others finding it extremely rewarding and brings me back to where my first passion began.

“To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” ~ Buddha

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